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A little bit about our work

Look at us playing rebuttal tennis! 

Students are divided into two groups. They take turns presenting arguments for and against a topic. Whoever either repeats an argument someone else have made is eliminated from the game. The last person standing becomes the winner! 

Some quick facts about us:

  • 75+ hours of work

  • Reached 30+ students 

  • Designed 50 activities that can be used to teach public speaking and debate

  • Formed 45 lesson plans for debates that can be held in the classroom 

  • 3 schools in Hyderabad 

  • Presented the non-profit to social workers working in education at the Emergent Ventures Unconference 

' I didn't care much about the things going on around me, but you insisted that it was important, that it mattered, and that we should be aware.' - Nisha

'Your coaching helped me grow so much - as a speaker and a thinker, but especially as a person. I've learned how to be critical of societal norms' - Sriram

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